this time I will give you the information to make the job "assasin" deadly
Due to Assassin 's ane more to Max DPS and not critical , so I made that my status made from my own experience , namely :STR / AGI / VIT51/26/6- Why her little agility ? means that critical hard dong ?+ Because I think character " assassin " This is the type of class that relies on swift and deadly attacks which , if critical questions we can still find on the card , title , and skill assassin who does a lot of that increase critical , so we better raise STR Attack Power so great that diagram :
SKILL- HIDING : MAX , I personally love the person disappear , if skill " Hiding " max quite make past the boss in the dungeon or when the Coliseum though the course is not like a snail when using the skill " hiding "
- DOUBLE ATTACK : MAX , the skills required to create a family thief , for hunting , PVP , Coloseum , and so on .
- DEADLY BLOW : MAX , should be taken
- COMBO TRAINING : 1 just enough , just create the possibility of adding 1 point per double combo attack , if at max his honey Skill Point
- Throwing Dagger : 1 enough , to draw monsters
- MARK OF GENOCIDE : this skill so that the debate around the per - build- thief wants to be an Assassin or Rogue , I personally do not make this skill Max , why ? because if it was in Max , the possibility of adding critical only 2% , very few , unfortunately his skill points when in use to this skillWEAPON - POISONING : 1 alone , although tolerable pain level 1 also effectCROSS - IMPACT : 1 aja , just to open the following skill this skill , the skill is arguably useless
- SHADOW FIEND : MAX ! Skills are required if you want to be assassin !
- SHADOW CLAW : MAX ! Including deadly assassin skills
- GRIMTOOTH : 1 course , to open the underlying skills , rarely using this skill ,
- SHADOW ARMOR : MAX ! Well here it is a skill that I like , made Coloseum tasty , if another RHD / PvE / Baphomet when we again targeted the boss because we are the top threat meter exceeds Main Tank , this skill really does make naekin mantep ampe defense 50 % ! Using that when critical or very Urgent !
- SHADOW FORM : MAX ! Form " attacked " the Assassin , must be maximized
- SHADOW STRIKE : MAX ! With this skill , one direct attack to get 3 combo points , plus Double Attack 2 times , directly Explosion
- SHADOW EXPLOSION : MAX ! This is his finishing skills assassin , if maximized , can attack monsters to force 85 % ! Deadly ! hehehe
- SHADOW ASSAULT : MAX ! This skill is often a fellow assassin debate , some say is useless , so just inserted 1 Skill Point wrote . But I think this is really good skills , to attack in the opening of the Coliseum / Dungeon / Hunt unusual , because we could teleport to the target and immediately make Fall for 3 seconds . If she's already fallen , attacking wrote directly to death

This diagram :
CARD & RUNEPake Scratch Card Thief wrote 5 seeds , because his reply sizable VIT could raise HP assassin which I think says quite small .If I use a combination of Radiant Rune Rune Health & Strength Radiant Rune , Rune if you want to enter for AGI may also be wrote .
EQUIPIf this is mah appropriate " money " wrote , hehe .The best is Full Equip Purple color , but must be minimized Full Equip Blue gan , so no additional Hit , Vigor , which is very helpful Haste
ROLE PLAYING SKILLBefore Combat : Mark of Genocide > Poisoning Weapon > Shadow Claw > Shadow FormWhen Combat : Assault Shadow > Shadow Strike > Double Attack 2x > Shadow Fury > Deadly Blow ( While waiting for his skill cooldown , Double Attack With Deadly Blow continued as necessary , after Cooldown repeat again from the beginning )
Closing :* Build Assassin is intended to maximize our damage as assassin in the party or raid gan , because the nature of the Assassin is a very high DPS , our position in the Threat Meter was possible under the Main Tank , DPS do not want to lose each other
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