Tuesday 7 January 2014

Child Language Development Phase

Perhaps you are wondering to myself, why the language appears at the same time on children around the world? Why do children normally begin to talk between the ages of twenty to twenty-eight months? You need to know that it is certainly not for all the mothers around the world begin their training at the same language at the same time. Actually there is no definite proof that there has been a teaching language consciously and systematically in children, just as there is no special training for standing or walking in children. That fact suggests that language may be set to appear by the biological time clock, as well as chicks opened his eyes when he was only a few days, like a cocoon that turns into a butterfly after a few weeks, and like a man who began sexually mature whenthirteen years old.

4. Characteristics of Behavior-Driven Biological
Biologically triggered behavior has several characteristics. That language is an innate human speech will be proven if it can be categorized as biological behaviors scheduled.Behavioral characteristics of the biological scheduled as follows.

1. Behavior that appears before needed.
2. His performance is not the result of a conscious decision.
3. Occurrence is triggered by an external event (although quite rich environment for him to develop feasible).
 4. There seems to be a critical period for kemampuanan behavior.
5. Direct teaching and intensive training is relatively little effect. 
6. There is a regular sequence of these symptoms when behavior was developing, and this can usually be attributed to age and other aspects of development.

Let us talk about the characteristics one by one. We almost do not need a test to prove the first feature, namely that it appears before the required behavior. This phenomenon is often labeled 'anticipatory legal maturity'. Language evolved long before the kids need to communicate to survive. His parents still feed him, give him clothes, and still care for her.Without the talent mechanism, the language may be developed when by their parents, the child was left to fend for himself. Language will appear in different times, in different cultures, and it will bring a huge difference in a child's ability to speak. Although children show different abilities in knitting, playing the violin, playing the piano, or play soccer, but language skills are not much different from the other children the same age. Note saia, children aged three years. They have an average of nearly the same language skills so they communicate in their own way with their peers. Their vocabulary, even structures that they earn on average about the same. For example, they are both still say I, goblog, trains became atu, dobog, hit, and the second sebagainya.Ciri also only requires a little explanation. Appearances behavior was not the result of a conscious decision. A child, for example, will not think, "Tomorrow I will start to learn to speak." Children learn language without making a conscious decision.

The third characteristic, namely the occurrence is triggered by external events, seems to have been very clear. Children start talking even when the environment remains unchanged. Most of them live in the same house, eating the same food, have the same parents, following the same routine of life before they can speak. There are no special events or characteristics in the child's environment suddenly cause them to start or stop talking. Although there are no external events that led to the emergence of the behavior, the child's environment should be sufficient support for the languages ​​talent worth developing. Biologically programmed behavior will not develop naturally when the child's environment is not supportive. so, the linguistic environment will result in poor and arid kemampuanan poor language, language kemampuanan dry.

Children living in an institution, for example, tend to be rather slow language development.Lenneberg says that a child who was treated in the orphanage will start talking just like children admitted outside the institution. However, mastery of the rules tuturannya slower, tuturannya less clear and showed a less varied range of construction. Children who are raised in families that use explicit language will be able to speak faster than children from families that are less explicit. In all forms of family that is expressed in speech problems, such as reprimand, scold, praise, affection, say hello in the morning, noon, or night, for example, the children will demonstrate excellent language development. However, in a poor family peristiwaperistiwa express it in the form of speech, the children will show less rapid language development.

The fourth characteristic, ie, there is a critical period that requires a longer discussion for justification. It is clear that there is beginning to language acquisition is scheduled biologically, but not so clear when it ends biological timetable. We know that language it will not appear as long as he has not been programmed to appear. No one who taught babies to talk even though there was nothing wrong with the vocal cords newborns it, and after five or six months later, the child begins to babble. Infants must wait until the trigger biological ready to work, until the trigger biological active. The appearance of the trigger was apparently related to brain growth. Two-word utterances are regarded as a language in the sense of the truth, began to emerge when the rate of development of the brain begin to decrease. Children do not produce new brain cells after birth. They are born with millions and even billions of brain cells. At first, it was not interconnected cells and brain are still relatively lightweight (approximately 300 grams). From birth to the age of two years, more interconnected brain cells and brain weight adds up quickly. When the child reaches the age of two years, nearly 1000 grams of brain weight.

Not easy to say when it ended the period kemampuanan child language. The phenomenon of children after adolesen future can only be gained after copes with harsh language, may be an indicator of a child when it ended the period kemampuanan language. At that time, when children learn a foreign language, will look how strange words, pressure, and so on. Children with difficulty learning the language after the adolesen period. It seems that it is related to the increasing loss of plasticity of the brain cells, especially for language learning.

Perhaps more impressive evidence of the critical period is the case of two children who are socially isolated, namely Isabelle and Genie (Aitchison, 1984). The two children were estranged from the language in their sensitive period. Isabelle really like children with hearing and tunawicara when found. He can only cawed when found in Ohio in 1930 at the age of six and a half years. Isabelle and her mother spent time in a completely dark room alone. However, after it was discovered and brought to the normal world, she showed encouraging progress. After two years, he can speak like other normal children. In fact, it is difficult to distinguish Isabelle with her friends peer in terms of language.

Genie is not as lucky as her. He had discovered at the age of nearly fourteen years. Geni was born in April 1957. He lived in isolation and in inhumane conditions. Since the age of twenty months, he was confined in a small dark room. He will be punished physically if any noises. Genie getting daily abuse. He put on a baby seat or enclosed in a homemade sleeping bag wrapped in a wire basket. When found, he was not speaking entirely. He recently acquired language after the discovery, ie after the critical period ends. Although the Genie learning in earnest, it remains slower than in normal children.

The fifth characteristic, ie, direct instruction and intensive training have only a relatively small effect. In activities such as typing and playing tennis, one achievement is often associated with the amount of teaching or training receives. The more frequently a child to practice playing tennis, playing the better tennis skills. Likewise, the more often a child's typing practice, the more fluent he typed. However, that kind of thing does not apply to children who acquire language. Teaching and training will directly indicate failure. Indeed, who will teach the baby talk? Working parents are persuading their children to imitate them. Parents do this in two ways, first by making corrections and second with unconsciously give expansion. With the correction, that is, the parents will always correcting speech his children whom he considered wrong. For example, if the child uttered Kerta train into the fire of parents and to correct them and say that the truth is not Kerta train and fire. Such correction actual fruitless. Some researchers demonstrated the failure of such efforts. Indeed, repeated correction not only does not work, perhaps even hinder progress children learn language.

Forcing a child to imitate also a terrible failure. The children can not be trained like a parrot. Training in the form of expansion also would not kill came into effect the results.Expansion is essentially an attempt to expand the speech of children by their parents.Parents may wish their children to have a proper sentence structure and have a variety of structures and vocabulary. For example, a child before his mother said dog, woof, woof.The mother was going to try to make the expansion, for example, as follows.
Yes, the dog was barking. The dog was trying to scare the cat. Yes, despite the barking, the dog will not bite. Tell the dog was silent.

Such expansion according to some studies will not increase a child's language ability. In fact, such an expansion would slow down the process of child language learning. It can be concluded that the repetition and imitation given by the parents does not affect significantly kemampuanan language. All children seem to speak through a series of stages as they acquire language. The age of the child when it reaches the stages may be different, but the sequence of stages of language kemampuanan it seems the same for each child. According to Aitchison (1984), stages of child language kemampuanan looks like the following table. Language Development Phase Age

Cry Be born Mendekur 6 weeks Babble 6 months Intonation patterns 8 months Utterance of the word 1 year Two-word utterances 18 months inflected word 2 years Interrogative sentence and the dissenter 2 1/4 years Rare and complex construction 5 years Mature speech 10 years

Stage 1: Crying
Crying baby turned out to have some type of meaning. There is a cry to ask for a drink, there is a cry to ask for food, and there were cries from the pain, and so on. But, indeed, it is not appropriate to say that crying is a phase of language development because it is the crying seems to be instinctive communication as well as calling on animal systems. The research proves that the meaning of a baby's cry is universal. This is evident from the fact that a mother from Indonesia, for example, will be able to understand the meaning of the crying baby English, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, and so on. so, despite cries that can strengthen the lungs and vocal cords, weeping itself should be viewed not as a part of language development.

Phase 2: 
Researchers language initially confused by this phase is similar to dekuran pigeons. This phase began at the age of about six weeks. Mendekur actual difficult to describe. The sound it produces is similar to the vocals, but further tracking with spektogram showed that the results were not the same sound with vocals produced by an adult. Some textbooks refer to it as a gurgling phase or mewing. Mendekur it also is
universal. It appears that the baby train mendekur appliance devices he said.

Stage 3: babble
Gradually, the sound of the consonant will appear at the time and when the child was mendekur approaching six months of age, he entered the babble phase. Impressively children produce vowels and consonants simultaneously. At first he said it as syllables, vowels and consonants but eventually it ignites.
Consonant that is produced by the lips or teeth, and usually will generate sound mama, dadada, or papapa. Parents think that their call umuninya mother or father and say hello.Of course such allegations are not true. Through babble period that the child enjoys his experiments with his mouth and tongue. Actually, he did not just babble, but also mendekur, ngempret, and the like. Children seem to produce many and varied sounds exotic. Phase babble is also the training phase of the vocal organs.

Stage 4: The pattern of intonation
Simultaneously, from the age of eight or nine months, the child begins to imitate intonation patterns. The results are similar to child speech said by his mother. Ladies often say, "I'm sure he spoke. I just caught him he spoke. "Kids seem to try to imitate the speech conversation and the result is sometimes not understood by their parents or other adults.Mothers are often identified that children use intonation asked the high notes at the end of the sentence. There are symptoms that are common trend, namely parents holding their children asking, "What would you say, ha?" "Do you want to ask for milk?" And so on.

Stage 5: one word utterances
Between the age of one year and eighteen months the child began to utter a single word utterances. Of course, maybe he still continued to babble though merabannya it slowly disappeared with the development of its language. diperolch number of words in this age varies from child to child. Some children only get four or five words and that others may reach fifty words. Typically an average of about fifteen children acquire words. Diperolch words that included words that mention people, animals, or objects, such as father, mother, an-jing, cats, dolls, and so on.

Stage 6: two-word utterances
The most striking feature of this period was the increase in the child's vocabulary appears dramatically. When it reaches two and a half years old, reaching several hundred word vocabulary. Meanwhile, there is a gradual but definite increase in the average length of its tuturannya or MLU (MW = Mean Lengtb Utterance). The average length of utterances was calculated in relation to grain called grammatical morpheme. In English, for example, plural marker s and d is considered as a marker of past utterances an item as well as the word mummy, bath, and so on. Compound form is also counted as a grain of speech.
In the early stage of this two-word utterances are telegraphic children tend to be referred.He spoke like a man who telegraphed important, the only important words are delivered.The words are small functions removed. In English, the omitted form, eg, a, the, bass, buses, and. Plural marker s and past tense marker d is often omitted. Consider the following utterance.
Want milk Wbere duck? Two sboe Milk spill
Speech was supposed to be in the grammatical form as follows. I want a glass of milk.Where is the duck? I have two shoes. The milk is spilled.
In the Indonesian language, utterances such as the following are examples of child language development at this stage.
Ani milk. Mothers market. Mr. offices. Ani apples.
Such utterance in grammatical form will be shaped as follows.
Ani want to drink milk. Mom would go to the market. Dad was going to the office.
Ani took the apple.

Stage 7: Inflection word
Gradually, the words that are considered trivial or unimportant into use. Inflected word also began to be used. The words are taken for granted and it started to creep in inflection between nouns and verbs used by children. In the three and a half years of age, English-speaking children can acquire grammatical morphemes as follows.
Age 2 years

Progressive-ing I singing Plural-s Blue sboes Copula am, is, are He is a sleep Articles a, the He is a doctor Age 3 years

3rdperson singular-s
He wants an apple Past tense-d
I helped mummy Full progressive am, is,
I am singing are + ing

Shortened copula
He's a doctor Shortened progressive
I'm singing
Within the scope of Indonesian, Indonesian because not knowing inflection, this stage may kemampuanan tangible forms of derivation, eg verbs containing the prefix or suffix, the word repeated, or compound words. Whiskers, the child begins to take shape to the word ~ ​​a hit, hit, hit, and so on. Children begin to acquire such looping tables, in pieces, running around, books, and so on. Children begin to acquire some compound words such as parents, matabari, and the like. Age of each child obtain the form kemampuanan not significant because it varies from child to child. What is important and interesting is the order kemampuanan. Kemampuanan sequence that forms for each child appears to be similar.

Stage 8: Shape and form dissenter asked
Similar Keajekan of kemampuanan was found in Iebih complex construction, such as in the form of questions and forms dissenter. Whiskers, in English, in the form kemampuanan containing wh-question, namely what, why, where it can be assumed that the children through three stages before they master it perfectly.
First, at the age of two years, children will place the form of questions in advance wb-sentence.
What mummy doing? Why you singing? Where daddy go?
Second, at the age of two years and four months, the children add the auxiliary verb in the main ke0a said.
Where you will go? Why Kitty can not see? Why you do not know?
Third, before a child is three years old, he realized that the subject noun swapping lies with the auxiliary verb and said it would result in the following sentence correct. Where will you go? Why can not I see Kitty? W'hy do not you know?
Again astonishing is that every child English tend to follow the same pattern. The phenomenon is called the order kemampuanan language. Age kemampuanan each stage it is not important. What is important is the order of the language kemampuanan.
At the age of three and a half year old children can form grammatical con-struction. In addition, tuturannya been very clear to those who have not known though. Construction of children's language was less varied when compared to the constructs used by adults.However, the children were already able to speak properly to a variety of topics.
In the Indonesian language, the child begins to acquire interrogative sentence with question words such as what, who, how, when, and so as in the following sentences.
What should I eat? Who is that person? How do I put this tape?
When are you going?
In addition, children begin to recognize shapes dissenter, for example as follows.
Ani did not cry. It's not mine. Mango is not sweet.
His book is not lost.

Stage 9: Construction of a rare or complex
At the age of five, children acquire language is impressive. Kemampuanan language continued despite the somewhat sluggish. The grammar is different five-year-old child with adult grammar. However, it was normal-Mya they do not realize their shortcomings in that regard. In the comprehension test, children are ready to work and interpret the structure given to him, but they often mistakenly interpret. To demonstrate this, Chomsky gave evidence about a group of children aged five to eight years. To those who indicated a doll eyes closed. When asked of them, "Is this doll bard to see or easy to see?" Then most children replied, "Hard to see. "Consider the following dialogue.
Chomsky Is this doll easy to see or bard to see?
Hard to see Lisa. Will you make-Air Chomsky easy to see? Lisa ff I can get this untied. Will you explain why Chomsky SBE was bard to see?
Lisa (to doll) Because you bad a blinfold over your eyes.
From several other studies it appears that children do not understand, for example, that the following two sentences have different meanings background.
7-Be rabbit is nice to eat. 'Rabbit was good to eat'
Tbe rabbit is eager to eat. 'Rabbit was eager to eat'
It shows that there is a gap between children with speech utterances adults. Examples in Indonesian is kemampuanan compound sentence, both equal, multilevel, and complex sentences density as follows.
Father and mother went to the market to cook in the kitchen. Ali and her sister went to the market. I still go to school despite the heavy rain fall.
Naughty child who was punished by the teacher.
Such construction includes complicated. Children at this stage have started to acquire such a complicated sentence structures.

Phase I0: mature speech
Differences children with speech utterances adults will slowly decrease as the age of the child increases. When he reached eleven years, children are able to produce an equivalent command line commands an adult sentence. For example, children have been able to memproleh sentences such as the following command.
Please, get me that book! Have a seat!
Take that chair!
At the age of puberty, child language development can be considered complete. Of course, she still will continue to develop additional vocabulary throughout his life, but the rules of grammar do not seem to be changed except in trivial matters. Critical period is naturally programmed to acquire language has passed.
For the record, it seems that in some cases there are parallels between language development with physical development. But, clearly, there is no correlation between the development of language with motor development. Examples There are a number of children who are able to talk, but not walking, and conversely there are children who are good at running, but have yet to speak.
Finally we arrive at our conclusion that the language seems to have all the characteristics of a biologically programmed behavior. He appeared before needed, and it's not because of the influence of external events or a sudden decision taken by the child. Apparently, there is a critical period in language kemampuanan. Direct teaching or intensive training course Kedl relative influence. Kemampuanan languages ​​follow a certain order. In other words, there is an internal mechanism that regulates kemampuanan language when it starts and when it should end kemampuanan language. However, it is wrong to assume that it is only controlled by the internal mechanism. Internal mechanisms that require stimulation in order for it to work as it should. Children need a supportive environment during the critical period of language skills. 


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